Sunday 16 September 2012

Walking home from Reading last night, I had the unfortunate pleasure of being mugged for my phone. To add injury to insult; I ended up with a massive gash on the back of my head and a concussion. Had I put up a fight over a stupid phone; I wouldn't expect any sympathy, but I didn't.. I wish I could remember exactly what happened, but I can't as I blacked out and can't remember anything that happened either side of the event. I'm not particularly bothered about my head; it's my phone that I'm irritated about. If someone's desparate enough to walk up to someone and steal their phone; there's nothing much you can do about it.

Will write more when I'm feeling slightly more with it.

UPDATE - How interesting technology is... The "FindMyiPhone" app e-mailed me a few hours ago to tell me that it'd located my phone in the grottiest grot-hole in Reading. Just spoke to the Police who are going to send Officers over to the address and have a look. Fingers cross they catch the little fucker sweetheart. In other news; my concussion is better and I'm in better spirits all round. Getting out of the house for dinner last night and just sitting watching the TV in peace and quiet with someone was just the ticket.

(It's strange but one of the songs I've been listening to recently (Diversity by Family of the Year) was written following the lead singer getting mugged. Is this coincidental or ironic?)

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