Monday 12 March 2012


A sobering topic; but one which I feel strongly enough to blog about. Reading, Berkshire, has an estimated population of 232,000 people and it is without the support and co-ordination of a local Sexual Assault Referral Centre - the closest being in Slough. A SARC is a `one stop shop’ co-ordinated by the Police and NHS. The centres provide victims of rape or sexual assault options, immediate crisis support, forensic medical examination, access to emergency contraceptive, sexual health screening, and access to an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor. 

In event of a rape or a sexual assault; it is unlikely that a victim will - a) be aware of the existence of  SARCs, b) be unable to travel to their "closest" SARC (which may be some considerable distance) or c) be confident that they are going to be treated with dignity or empathy by local services (e.g their GP or Police). These influences lead to disgustingly low levels of detection and conviction for perpetrators of these audacious crimes. The psychological trauma (often resulting in PTSD; amongst many other mental health issues) and impact of victim's lives cannot be measured. The early intervention of SARC staff with victims may result in reductions in the after effects of the crimes and increase the likelihood that charges will be made against the perpetrators.

If you have one minute spare (and you do; if you don't - make it spare); sign the following e-petition to join the campaign for legislation to be brought forward compelling the government to provide a SARC to each town or city with a population of 120,000 or more.

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